Twitch Chat Bot#

A simple twitch chat bot.

Chat bots can join channels, listen to chat and reply to messages, commands, subscriptions and many more.


Please note that the Chat Bot is currently in a early alpha stage!

Bugs and oddities are to be expected.

Please report all feature requests and bug requests to the github page.

Code example#

from twitchAPI import Twitch
from twitchAPI.oauth import UserAuthenticator
from twitchAPI.types import AuthScope, ChatEvent
from import Chat, EventData, ChatMessage, ChatSub, ChatCommand
import asyncio

APP_ID = 'my_app_id'
APP_SECRET = 'my_app_secret'
TARGET_CHANNEL = 'teekeks42'

# this will be called when the event READY is triggered, which will be on bot start
async def on_ready(ready_event: EventData):
    print('Bot is ready for work, joining channels')
    # join our target channel, if you want to join multiple, either call join for each individually
    # or even better pass a list of channels as the argument
    # you can do other bot initialization things in here

# this will be called whenever a message in a channel was send by either the bot OR another user
async def on_message(msg: ChatMessage):
    print(f'in {}, {} said: {msg.text}')

# this will be called whenever someone subscribes to a channel
async def on_sub(sub: ChatSub):
    print(f'New subscription in {}:\n'
          f'  Type: {sub.sub_plan}\n'
          f'  Message: {sub.sub_message}')

# this will be called whenever the !reply command is issued
async def test_command(cmd: ChatCommand):
    if len(cmd.parameter) == 0:
        await cmd.reply('you did not tell me what to reply with')
        await cmd.reply(f'{}: {cmd.parameter}')

# this is where we set up the bot
async def run():
    # set up twitch api instance and add user authentication with some scopes
    twitch = await Twitch(APP_ID, APP_SECRET)
    auth = UserAuthenticator(twitch, USER_SCOPE)
    token, refresh_token = await auth.authenticate()
    await twitch.set_user_authentication(token, USER_SCOPE, refresh_token)

    # create chat instance
    chat = await Chat(twitch)

    # register the handlers for the events you want

    # listen to when the bot is done starting up and ready to join channels
    chat.register_event(ChatEvent.READY, on_ready)
    # listen to chat messages
    chat.register_event(ChatEvent.MESSAGE, on_message)
    # listen to channel subscriptions
    chat.register_event(ChatEvent.SUB, on_sub)
    # there are more events, you can view them all in this documentation

    # you can directly register commands and their handlers, this will register the !reply command
    chat.register_command('reply', test_command)

    # we are done with our setup, lets start this bot up!

    # lets run till we press enter in the console
        input('press ENTER to stop\n')
        # now we can close the chat bot and the twitch api client
        await twitch.close()

# lets run our setup

Available Events#

  • READY: Triggered when the bot is stared up and ready to join channels

  • MESSAGE: Triggered when someone wrote a message in a channel we joined

  • SUB: Triggered when someone subscribed to a channel we joined

  • RAID: Triggered when a channel gets raided

  • ROOM_STATE_CHANGE: Triggered when a channel is changed (e.g. sub only mode was enabled)

  • JOIN: Triggered when someone other than the bot joins a channel. Note: this will not always trigger, depending on channel size

  • JOINED: Triggered when the bot joins a channel

  • LEFT: triggered when the bot left a channel

Class Documentation#


Bases: object

Represents a user in a chat channel

__init__(chat, parsed)#
chat: Chat#

The instance

name: str#

The name of the user


All infos related to the badges of the user


The badges of the user

color: str#

The color of the chat user if set

display_name: str#

The display name, should usually be the same as name

mod: bool#

if the user is a mod in chat channel

subscriber: bool#

if the user is a subscriber to the channel

turbo: bool#

Indicates whether the user has site-wide commercial free mode enabled

id: str#

The ID of the user

user_type: str#

The type of user

vip: bool#

if the chatter is a channel VIP


Bases: object

Represents a basic chat event


chat (Chat) – represents the Chat Instance

chat: Chat#

The instance


Bases: EventData

Represents a chat message

__init__(chat, parsed)#
text: str#

The message

bits: int#

The amount of Bits the user cheered

sent_timestamp: int#

the unix timestamp of when the message was sent

reply_parent_msg_id: Optional[str]#

An ID that uniquely identifies the parent message that this message is replying to.

reply_parent_user_id: Optional[str]#

An ID that identifies the sender of the parent message.

reply_parent_user_login: Optional[str]#

The login name of the sender of the parent message.

reply_parent_display_name: Optional[str]#

The display name of the sender of the parent message.

reply_parent_msg_body: Optional[str]#

The text of the parent message


The emotes used in the message

id: str#

the ID of the message

property room: Optional[ChatRoom]#

The channel the message was issued in

Return type:


property user: ChatUser#

The user that issued the message

Return type:


async reply(text)#

Reply to this message

chat: Chat#

The instance


Bases: ChatMessage

Represents a command

__init__(chat, parsed)#
name: str#

the name of the command

parameter: str#

the parameter given to the command

async send(message)#

Sends a message to the channel the command was issued in


message (str) – the message you want to send

async reply(text)#

Reply to this message

property room: Optional[ChatRoom]#

The channel the message was issued in

Return type:


property user: ChatUser#

The user that issued the message

Return type:


chat: Chat#

The instance

text: str#

The message

bits: int#

The amount of Bits the user cheered

sent_timestamp: int#

the unix timestamp of when the message was sent

reply_parent_msg_id: Optional[str]#

An ID that uniquely identifies the parent message that this message is replying to.

reply_parent_user_id: Optional[str]#

An ID that identifies the sender of the parent message.

reply_parent_user_login: Optional[str]#

The login name of the sender of the parent message.

reply_parent_display_name: Optional[str]#

The display name of the sender of the parent message.

reply_parent_msg_body: Optional[str]#

The text of the parent message

id: str#

the ID of the message


The emotes used in the message


Bases: object

Represents a sub to a channel

__init__(chat, parsed)#
sub_type: str#

The type of sub given

sub_message: str#

The message that was sent together with the sub

sub_plan: str#

the ID of the subscription plan that was used

sub_plan_name: str#

the name of the subscription plan that was used

system_message: str#

the system message that was generated for this sub

property room#

The room this sub was issued in


Bases: object

The chat bot instance

__init__(twitch, connection_url=None)#

Start the Chat Client


RuntimeError – if already started

Return type:



Stop the Chat Client


RuntimeError – if the client is not running

Return type:


register_command(name, handler)#

Register a command

  • name (str) – the name of the command

  • handler (Callable) – The event handler

Return type:


register_event(event, handler)#

Register a event handler

  • event (ChatEvent) – The Event you want to register the handler to

  • handler (Callable) – The handler you want to register.

async join_room(chat_rooms)#

join one or more chat rooms

Will only exit once all given chat rooms where successfully joined


chat_rooms (Union[List[str], str]) – the Room or rooms you want to leave

async send_message(room, text)#
async leave_room(chat_rooms)#

leave one or more chat rooms

Will only exit once all given chat rooms where successfully left


chat_rooms (Union[List[str], str]) – The room or rooms you want to leave


Bases: object

ChatRoom(name: str, is_emote_only: bool, is_subs_only: bool, is_followers_only: bool, is_unique_only: bool, follower_only_delay: int, room_id: str, slow: int)

name: str#
is_emote_only: bool#
is_subs_only: bool#
is_followers_only: bool#
is_unique_only: bool#
follower_only_delay: int#
room_id: str#
slow: int#
__init__(name, is_emote_only, is_subs_only, is_followers_only, is_unique_only, follower_only_delay, room_id, slow)#

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

Valid values are as follows:

READY = <ChatEvent.READY: 'ready'>#
MESSAGE = <ChatEvent.MESSAGE: 'message'>#
SUB = <ChatEvent.SUB: 'sub'>#
RAID = <ChatEvent.RAID: 'raid'>#
ROOM_STATE_CHANGE = <ChatEvent.ROOM_STATE_CHANGE: 'room_state_change'>#
JOIN = <ChatEvent.JOIN: 'join'>#
JOINED = <ChatEvent.JOINED: 'joined'>#
LEFT = <ChatEvent.LEFT: 'left'>#

Bases: EventData

Triggered when a room state changed

__init__(chat, prev, new)#
old: Optional[ChatRoom]#

The State of the room from before the change, might be Null if not in cache

new: ChatRoom#

The new room state

property room#

Returns the Room from cache

chat: Chat#

The instance